Buy NEAR Protocol (NEAR) with a Credit or Debit Card Instantly

Buy NEAR with Visa or MasterCard directly to wallet | No KYC up to 700€

How to buy NEAR with credit card or debit card?

Pick and Provide

Choose the fiat currency you want to buy NEAR with, enter the amount and provide your wallet address, email and phone number.


Provide card details

Provide the credit card or debit card details and complete the one-time verification procedure


Confirm the transaction

Check the details once again and confirm the transaction.


Receive NEAR Protocol

You will be receiving NEAR in a couple of minutes.


Why buy NEAR Protocol on ChangeHero?

Support at 10 sec

Our SupportHeroes are available round the clock to assist you in resolving any issues you face when you buy NEAR Protocol or any other cryptocurrency.
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No need for an account

ChangeHero is one of the best cryptocurrency exchange platforms and you don’t have to worry about registrations. No accounts are needed to buy NEAR and other cryptocurrencies.
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5 min per transactions

ChangeHero is arguably the best crypto exchange. You can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, NEAR Protocol and all the popular cryptocurrencies at lightning speed. No more delays!
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No limits on exchanges

On ChangeHero you can convert BTC, ETH and over 100 other cryptocurrencies without any limits and restrictions.
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We never hold your money

ChangeHero is a non-custodial service and we never hold your cryptocurrency. We send your cryptocurrency safely to the wallet right after the exchange.
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Best rates

Our rates make us the best cryptocurrency exchange. We pick the best rate from various trading platforms at the moment of transaction.
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NEAR Price

3.497 $
3.441 $

NEAR Live Price Chart

NEAR Protocol Price Change and Market Cap

Currently, the NEAR price is 3.455891$. From the NEAR Protocol price chart, we can see that the 24-hour change is -3.66%. The circulating supply is 1236747213 NEAR and the market cap in the past 24H is $4274063316. In the previous 24 hours, the NEAR Protocol price hit highs of 3.497$ and lows of 3.441$.

Coin price change

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